30 Activities that can be Done in 30 Seconds or Less
- Greet the person by name.
- Make eye contact and smile.
- Shake hands.
- Ask someone to "show me" an object.
- Tease: "Mr. Smith, I just saw you eat dessert first!"
- Tell someone they are loved.
- Give a sustained bear hug.
- Give a compliment: "Wow! You look pretty spiffy!"
- Ask an open-ended question: "How are you feeling today?"
- Ask an opinion: "What do you think of my necktie? Does it match my shirt?"
- Play a quick game of catch.
- Notice an unusual bird or squirrel outside the window.
- Evoke a memory from a person's life story: "Tell me more about your dog. Did he follow you to school?"
- Give a hand massage.
- Share a new hand lotion and talk about its pleasing scent.
- Try on a new shade of lipstick.
- Blow bubbles.
- Slip a little treat to someone.
- Share a magic trick.
- Show off family photos of a new grandchild.
- Blow up a balloon and bat it around. (You can blow up surgical gloves instead.)
- Look at a flower arrangement and compare colors, textures and scents.
- Ask for advice on a recipe.
- Tell a funny story or joke. Clown around for a moment and make funny faces, throw your hands in the air and spin around once or twice.
- Do a quick dance to some fun music that is playing in the background.
- Sing a song or say a prayer together.
- Notice vivid colors in an unusual dress or shirt.
- Ask for help with a chore such as folding a towel, helping to make a bed, or polishing a piece of furniture.
- Try on a hat or hats.
- Step outside for some fresh air.
Reprinted from website www.HillCountryCareProviders.com